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Coach Julius Tilvikas

"The only thing that is eternal is change."

Let's implement what makes sense for you



An open conversation about what is happening in your world as a leader. Not treatment, not problem solving, not strategic planning. The way to find answers is to delve deeper into oneself, one's worldview, past experiences and present attitudes. And sometimes - just to talk and not burn out.


We are looking for a  solution to a psychological or emotional problem.  We talk about the situation and share our insights on how and why what is happening. And then we think about what can be done about it.  When the insights of consultations are not enough, we look for smarter ways - coaching or psychotherapy.


The situation you want to change. The problem you want to solve. A position to get out of. How? You know the answers, you just need help to get to them and make them work. Not advice, instructions, instruction. Helping to discover the answers for yourself based on your own abilities, understanding, resources and skills. And then do it. If it doesn't work, find out why and do it anyway.


Training and lectures for your organization on psychological, leadership, change, social skills (soft skills) topics. The most important part of training is to take what is relevant and put it into practice. Practical application usually requires a theoretical basis. I try to combine both in my training.


"Alone in the field is not a warrior." In order to win together, we must agree, understand who is responsible for what, where our team's strengths and weaknesses are. What hinders us and what helps us. Why have we failed so far? In order for teams to function more efficiently, we learn to play together, resolve conflicts and move forward together.


When I started my private specialist practice, I was looking for someone who had already done it and could share their “how.” What to do, what to do, what not to do, and why? How to discover your authentic work niche? Earn enough to live with dignity? How not to burn out? What about accounting and taxes? Starting in 2010, I can help you build your own private health practitioner practice.

Service prices?



About me

I am Julius. Current profession is a psychologist. In this area, I work with psychological counseling and psychotherapy of managers and professionals. 

I am currently pursuing a coach education, working with clients seeking answers to business and professional questions. 


  • 2023 - Coaching, Academy Infinitas

  • 2017 - Cognitive and behavioral therapy (unfinished studies) LSMU

  • 2013 - Psychological Therapies, master's degree, Queen Mary University of London

  • 2011 - Psychology, Master's degree, London Metropolitan University


I have been working with people and their problems since 2011. I conduct trainings, sometimes write articles, give interviews. I make a podcast when I'm inspiredTilvik's nest. I worked in IT for a long time, I had my own business, so I can look at problems from different angles. 


  • Management consulting

  • Issues of professional activity

  • Group coaching

  • Counseling of health professionals -  profession as a business.

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Leave a message. Call me. I will get back to you, but it may take some time. But I will definitely answer  you 🙂


​+370 616 30004


Sport st. 3, Riešė, Vilnius district.


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